The Death of Miracles

one of these days

lazarus will refuse to rise

leaving us abandoned

in a world without miracles

dusty and flat

as hope sinks into his grave

embracing his winding sheet

cradling his bones

in the finality of death

oh the sun will shine

and the birds will sing

but we’ll be left

to our own poor devices

without a star to wish upon

and know at last the frailty

of the human condition

bereft of the saving grace

of the unexpected that

in the blink of an eye

changes everything

RC deWinter’s poetry is widely anthologized, notably in New York City Haiku (NY Times, 2/2017), easing the edges: a collection of everyday miracles, (Patrick Heath Public Library of Boerne, 11/2021) The Connecticut Shakespeare Festival Anthology (River Bend Bookshop Press, 12/2021), in print: 2River, Event, Gargoyle Magazine, the minnesota review, Night Picnic Journal, Plainsongs, Prairie Schooner, Southword, The Ogham Stone, Twelve Mile Review,  Variant Literature, York Literary Review among many others and appears in numerous online literary journals.